알루미늄 디스크 구매 시 주의할 점은 무엇인가요??

Aluminum wafer are common in our life, sealed cans, non-stick frying-pan, 교통 표지판, lamps and lanterns and so on has the figure of aluminum wafer lampshade, in addition to aluminum wafer in machinery manufacturing, automotive and other industrial areas, every action, so the aluminum round priority when the choose and buy is use, USES decision is to buy hot rolled or roll casting material, roll material is ma ...

3003 알루미늄 서클

3003 합금 알루미늄 디스크 서클

3003 알루미늄 디스크 서클 개요 3003 aluminum alloy is an aluminum-manganese alloy. The main alloying element is manganese. It is the most widely used anti-rust aluminum. The strength of this alloy is not high, but it is higher than general industrial pure aluminum. It cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. Generally, cold working methods are used. To improve its mechanical properties. It has high plastic ...

맞춤형 알루미늄 서클

사용자 정의 크기 알루미늄 디스크 서클

Custom Size Aluminum Disc Circle Overview Aluminum alloy wafers are products after preliminary processing of aluminum raw materials, which are mixed with manganese-magnesium alloy during processing to enhance all aspects of the alloy's characteristics. As a semi-finished aluminum alloy, aluminum wafers are loved by many manufacturers of kitchenware, transportation supplies, and machinery. It is the most common s ...

5083 알루미늄 디스크

5083 합금 알루미늄 디스크 서클

5083 알루미늄 디스크 개요 그만큼 5083 알루미늄 웨이퍼는 알루미늄 합금으로 만들어집니다. (고마그네슘 합금). 그것은 좋은 물리적 특성을 가지고 있습니다. 힘이 좋네, 강한 내식성, 비열처리 합금 중 가공성이 우수합니다.. 물합금에서도, 강도와 내식성이 가장 높습니다.. 5083 알루미늄 원형 사양: 성미 사용 가능 O H12 H14 H16 H18. 애플리케이션: ...

열간압연 3003 3103 알루미늄 서클

3000 시리즈 합금 알루미늄 디스크 서클

3000 시리즈 알루미늄 디스크 서클 개요 3 시리즈 알루미늄 합금은 망간을 주성분으로 구성됩니다.. 내용은 사이 1.0-1.5, 방청 요구사항이 높은 산업 및 제품에 사용됩니다.. 알루미늄 원으로 만든 3 시리즈 알루미늄 합금은 순수 알루미늄 합금보다 강도가 높습니다.. 열처리로 제품 성능을 강화할 수는 없지만, 처리가 가능해요 ...

1050 알루미늄 서클

1050 알루미늄 디스크 서클

1050 알루미늄 원형 매개변수 1) 합금: 1050 2) 성질: 영형, H12, H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26, H32 3) 두께: 0.30-10.00mm 4) 지름: 100-980mm 5)밝은 표면, 스크래치 없음 6)딥 드로잉 7)고품질 8) 좋은 가소성, 전도도 9) 일반적으로 산업 및 건설 분야에 사용됩니다. 10) 고객의 사양에 따라 치수 제작 가능 제품 품질 인증서 ...

열간 압연 알루미늄 원

열간압연 알루미늄 디스크 서클

알루미늄 원형 디스크 주문 개요: 합금 없음. 3000 시리즈: A3003 A3004 A3005 A3105 A3A21 및 기타 3000 시리즈 템퍼 OH12H14H16H18H22H24H26 사양 두께: 0.3mm--6mm 직경: 50mm--1500mm 표면 처리 코팅, 우아한, 양각, 등 색상 은, 또는 고객의 요구 사항에 따라 높은 내후성 긁힘 방지 부식 방지 쉬운 가공 ...

Non-stick pans is really bad for our health?

Are there any health risks from cooking with non-stick pans?First you should know what the non stick pan is,and How the non-stick pans is made. According to my knowledge,many non-stick pans is made of non-stick aluminum circle,Non-stick coating or Teflon coating is inert and doesn’t harm your health if it is handled properly. Teflon coating is manufactured using PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic Acid). This chemi ...

What's the difference between anode and plating?

The so-called anode, relative to the principle of electroplating, is to be placed in the object in the anode, so that its oxidation, the formation of oxide film, due to the aluminum oxide film structure is careful, good adsorption, not easy to fall off, so artificial way to cover a layer of careful oxide film to protect it will not continue to oxidation, this is the use of the anode. The anodic treatment of al ...

알루미늄 원형 포장 요구 사항 - 화웨이 알루미늄

알루미늄 원형 디스크

Five Characteristics Of Aluminum Circle Disc, How Many Do You Know?

Aluminum Circle discs, as a primary product of Aluminum alloy, has been widely used in our daily life. Like electronics, 매일 화학, 약, 문화와 교육, auto parts, such as non-stick cooker, 압력솥, and other kitchen utensils, 갓, water heater shell, and other hardware products, application scenarios are very wide. Aluminum Circle Discs can be said to be one of the most widely use ...

What is the difference between aluminum circles and aluminium circle trusses?

The aluminum circle refers to round flat aluminum pieces used for production of cookware, lighting reflector and decorative parts. Also known as aluminum circle discs, it boasts good corrosion resistance, excellent deep drawing property and long service life. There are mainly 1xxx aluminum circles and 3000 series aluminium circle discs, 포함 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100 그리고 3003 등. 1000 differs from 3000 in that ...