3003 círculo de alumínio

3003 círculo de disco de liga de alumínio

3003 Visão geral dos círculos de disco de alumínio 3003 liga de alumínio é uma liga de alumínio-manganês. O principal elemento de liga é o manganês. É o alumínio antiferrugem mais utilizado. A resistência desta liga não é alta, mas é maior do que o alumínio puro industrial geral. Não pode ser fortalecido por tratamento térmico. Geralmente, métodos de trabalho a frio são usados. Para melhorar suas propriedades mecânicas. Tem plástico alto ...

Buy Aluminum Tread Plate 3003 H22 Online

Alumínio 3003 Product Guide | Aluminum Tolerance Table. Aluminum Tread/Diamond Plate 3003-H22 is normally used in trim, ornamental, and structural applications.3003 aluminum is highly workable, formable, and extremely corrosion resistant. The texture of this plate also increases its rigidity. 3003 tread plate stock is available in full size and custom cut lengths.

3003 H22 Aluminum Floor Plate | Coremark Metals

3003 Aluminum floor plate, commonly known as “diamond plate” or “tread plate”, is an excellent candidate for most processing techniques and both interior and exterior applications. It’s lightweight with a highly polished textured finish. Raised tread brite diamond pattern on the surface provides excellent traction.

3003 h22- Aluminum/Al foil,plate/sheet,aluminum alloy ...

3003 h22. Aluminum Foil 8011. Household Aluminum Foil. Color Coated Aluminum Coil. Aluminum Plate 3003 H24 H18. Pure Aluminum Sheet 1050. Aluminum Sheet 6061. Aluminum Alloy Plate 5052. Aluminum Coil 5083.

3003-H22 Bright Finish Aluminum Diamond Tread Plate …

Aluminum Diamond Tread Plate 3003-H22 Bright is a sheet product with a raised diamond pattern and a bright shiny finishes for decorative and non-skid applications with a bright decorative design which is easily cleaned. The great