3003 알루미늄 서클

3003 합금 알루미늄 디스크 서클

3003 알루미늄 디스크 서클 개요 3003 aluminum alloy is an aluminum-manganese alloy. The main alloying element is manganese. It is the most widely used anti-rust aluminum. The strength of this alloy is not high, but it is higher than general industrial pure aluminum. It cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. Generally, cold working methods are used. To improve its mechanical properties. It has high plastic ...

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알루미늄 맞춤형 서클

맞춤형 두께의 알루미늄 디스크 서클

Aluminum Disc Circle Introduction The round aluminum circles disc is also called an aluminum round plate. It is made of a mixture of aluminum and other alloys. It is used to make various aluminum cookware, aluminum lamps, aluminum machinery, and other high-quality raw materials, such as common aluminum pots and aluminum rice cookers. , Aluminum pressure cooker, lighting tools. Aluminum discs made of aluminum all ...

딥 드로잉 알루미늄 서클

딥 드로잉용 알루미늄 디스크 서클

Aluminium Circle Deep Drawing Overviews: Our common processed aluminum wafers and aluminum alloys are materials with good deep-drawing processing performance and are widely used in deep-drawing processing. Deep-drawing processing is simply to punch the center part of the material with a punch. The flange part is subjected to compression force in the circumferential direction and tensile force in the radial dire ...

1050 휘파람 주전자를위한 알루미늄 원

주전자 용 알루미늄 디스크 원

Aluminum Disc Circle For Kettle Overview The aluminum circle disc is a kind of preliminary processing form of aluminum products. 처리 후, 그것은 좋은 특성을 가지고 있으며 우리의 일상 생활에서 널리 사용됩니다.. 일반적인 용도 중 하나는 알루미늄 웨이퍼가 주전자를 만드는 데 사용된다는 것입니다.. 주전자 용 알루미늄 디스크 원에는 많은 우수한 특성이 있습니다, ~와 같은 1. 신율 및 인장강도가 우수함; 2. ...

traffic road sign aluminum circle

Aluminum disc circle for traffic sign

Aluminium Circle Plate For Traffic Sign Introduce Huawei Aluminum is a professional manufacturer of aluminum ring products for traffic signs. It produces high-quality aluminum ring products for the traffic sign industry all year round. Traffic signs or road signs are indispensable in cities. They are erected on the side of the road to provide people with information. With the increase in traffic volume in the pa ...

aluminium circle for lighting

Aluminum disc circle for lighting

Aluminum Alloy Disc Overview Aluminum alloy wafers are widely used in industrial manufacturing and daily necessities. Especially in our daily life applications are very common. One of them is well-known to everyone-aluminum wafers are often used for lampshades. Especially some outdoor lampshade products are widely used, which is mainly due to the super corrosion resistance of the aluminum wafer material. Ad ...

5083 알루미늄 디스크

5083 합금 알루미늄 디스크 서클

5083 Aluminum Disc Overview The 5083 aluminum wafer is made of aluminum alloy (high-magnesium alloy). It has good physical properties. It has good strength, strong corrosion resistance, and good machinability among non-heat-treatable alloys. Even in the water alloy, the strength and corrosion resistance are the highest. 5083 Aluminum Circle Specification: temper available O H12 H14 H16 H18. 애플리케이션: ...

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Anodized Aluminum Circle for Cookware

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., 주식회사, has aluminium circle open-book blanking production ability, can directly punching aluminium circle blanking on the aluminium coil,don’t need shearing and slitting step. Products widely used in aluminium processing manufacturing that all kinds industry of required aluminium circles,such as cookware with tensile aluminium circlelamp and lanterns tensile aluminium circletraffic s ...

알루미늄 디스크 가격이 알루미늄 플레이트보다 높은 이유?

Many friends may have such a problem, when buying aluminum Circle and aluminum plate, they find that the price of aluminum circle is higher than the price of aluminum plate, and they are very confused. Under normal conditions, there should be more aluminum plates, so the price should be relatively high. Let Henan Huawei Aluminum Explain today. Aluminum Circle has better performance The aluminum Circle ...

알루미늄 원형 디스크

5000 시리즈 알루미늄 합금 원형 생산 공정.

Aluminum alloy wafer development background Aluminum metal is one of the most abundant elements in the earth's crust, 그리고 그 내용은 도달합니다 8.8%, 4 개의 주요 금속 요소 중 1 위, 회계 1/3 전체 금속 요소의 질량, 매우 풍부한 알루미늄 금속 매장량이 있습니다. 알루미늄 기술의 개선으로 인해, 알루미늄 산업은 놀라운 속도로 성장했습니다, and the world's ...

What is the process of aluminum circle? aluminium circle manufacturing process video

Aluminum circles are widely used in the electronics components, daily chemical products, medical equipment, 문화와 교육, and auto parts, household appliances, insulation equipment, 기계 제조, 자동차, 항공우주, 군사 산업, 곰팡이, 건설, 인쇄, and many other industries, it is the largest amount of deep processing of aluminum alloy strip one of the products. When it c ...

대한 5 알루미늄 디스크의 주요 장점

대한 5 major advantages of aluminum discs As we all know, 우리 삶에는 수많은 알루미늄 디스크가 있습니다, 하지만 우리는 그것들을 알아채지 못한다. 알루미늄 디스크에도 다양한 종류가 있습니다., 주전자 같은 것, 컵, 등. 우리가 자주 사용하는, 그리고 우리가 사용하는 주방용품들. 예를 들어, 가장 일반적인 램프, 식기, 갓, 등. 우리 삶의 모든 것은 알루미늄 디스크로 이루어져 있습니다.. 하지만 명반의 장점을 모르실 수도 있습니다. ...