- CNC makinesi kullanma: Bir CNC'ye erişiminiz varsa (bilgisayar sayısal kontrolü) makine, bunu bir alüminyum levhadan hassas bir daire kesmek için kullanabilirsiniz. Daireyi bir CAD'de tasarlamanız yeterli (bilgisayar destekli tasarım) programı, programı CNC makinesine yükleyin, ve kesmeyi yapmasına izin ver.
- Bir delik testeresi veya matkap presi kullanma: If you need to make a smaller circle and don’t have access to a CNC machine, you can use a hole saw or drill press to cut the circle. Start by clamping the aluminum sheet to a work surface, then drill a pilot hole in the center of the circle. Sonraki, attach the hole saw or a suitably sized drill bit to the drill press and cut out the circle.
- Using a jigsaw: If you need to make a larger circle or a non-perfect circle, you can use a jigsaw to cut the circle out of the aluminum sheet. Start by drawing the circle on the sheet with a marker or grease pencil, then clamp the sheet to a work surface and carefully cut along the line with the jigsaw.
- Using a plasma cutter: If you have access to a plasma cutter, you can use it to cut a circle out of the aluminum sheet. Start by designing the circle in a CAD program, then use the plasma cutter to cut along the line.
Before attempting to cut a circle out of aluminum, it’s important to wear appropriate safety gear, such as safety glasses, gloves, and a dust mask, as cutting aluminum can create sharp edges and aluminum dust. Additionally, be sure to use appropriate cutting tools and techniques for the thickness and size of the aluminum sheet you’re working with.